Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This Weeks Pictures and Email

Hey Família tudo Bem!!

Aqui está chiki!! Amo Brasil muito!! E eu quero que vocÊs visitam estes país!! é bom d++++++

So Me and my companion have been working very hard here in the good old heat of brasil. we are going to baptize 5 or 4 people this week and it is going to be fantastic! I can´t wait for this to happen...Time has been passing by very fast i can´t believe it!! I will be calling home mothers day and that is just around the corner wow!

I am very thankful i have a family who are taking part in the marvelous work of the lord!So, I will tell you a very cool experience i and elder Coimbra had.We were going to a appointment and we have a back round of this lady we are going to teach because the son is a member his name is Luis and he was telling us that his mom kinda has a hard heart and it is difficult to teach her the gospel his dad is a pastor of another church and they are divorced now.We entered the house and we didn´t waist time we began to teach her and my turn came up to talk about the first vision and i was really ready to teach... I told her about a young boy who saw God and Jesus Christ and shared how she could know the truth of the things we taught I told her that if she reads the book of Mormon and ponders about these things and prays to receive an answer of these things she will know that this really happened and that we have a prophet and 12 apostles who speak with God and lead us in our days.This is our message that we have... She began to cry and started to feel the great love of the gospel and she wants to know the truth.for many months she has rejected each and every single missionary but the lord has prepared her for us now.

Another story--I have been praying a lot for the lord to prepare people for our message and asked him very specifically to place the people in our path who really want to change.We found a great man his name is Marcelo he is about 35 years old and he wants to know about the truth.. He knows this church is true and he has a few problems with smoking and he told us that he is going to stop smoking because he wants to change for the better and said like 10 times that night I want to change, I want to change...

When someone knows the gospel is true he is going to do whatever it takes to be better! He wants to become clean and be baptized and we set a date for him to be baptized this week! He said he is going to accomplish this goal.I am grateful to be here serving in Brazil touching the lives of many!I have been singing a lot for like every family we have visited I sing!I love it so i have been having a lot of practice here in Brazil! LOL!

Today--We went to the aquarium and i took many pictures and filmed some things there and you will all love them a lot!!We also went and ate some good old American food in the mall today and that was fun!! You can find a lot of American food in the mallswe ate at Rockabilly and it was fantastic!! I have become very thankful to have the good old American Hamburger LOL!!Well, that pretty much covers a lot of ground and i will sign out!!

About the blog--
I love it ,it is fantastic!! That is great for all those who want to know what´s happening with Elder Aaron James Karr--

I love you all very much--

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I Will Not Be Still Music Video

New Elder Aaron Karr Pictures

Hello Everyone! These are all new pictures fresh from the streets of Santos, Brazil![left to right] Elder Coimbra and Elder Karr
Oi familia!!

Tudo Bem!! Como vocês estão??? I am doing great and working very Hard! I am glad to hear that it is all good there in Salt Lake City!

Here it is hot and the work is growing we had 12 investigators in church and we finished the exhibit of the Book of Mormon and we are moving on to the next plan which is going to start next week we are preparing everything this week and preparing to pass everything to the Stake president and the ward! So this is great!

We looked on the sight were we receive all the references of the church we had like 35 references and so we will be very busy this week! We are planing on having a baptism this week and so that will be cool can´t wait for that!!

Well, we taught him and when you teach a Brazilian with those big brown eyes you feel great love. I have learned to love greater here in Brazil, I have learned to love the people here in Brazil a lot! I don´t know what I am going to do without Brazil when I leaveI I have never felt such love for the gospel as I have now! I know the gospel is true and I pray for you constantly!!

I sent my memory card with all the pics and you should get them here soon! I didn't fill it all but I am guessing you want to see some picts, ya??!!

Keep working hard! I wrote ia family goal for you in the letter I sent so make sure you do it! Invite the missionaries over for lunch and help them hold family home evenings with their investigators, it is so great when a member offers help to the missionaries.

Please do this this one thing as a family for I think we should improve and work on it!!!

Elder Aaron James Karr